The Chinese Emperor’s New Clothes

Ying Yan Compestine’s book is a variation of the traditional Emperor’s New clothes.  Emperor Ming Da is only 9 but he knows his ministers are corrupt.  To obtain the money to help his people he convinces his ministers that what seems to be burlap bags, is really magic New Year’s clothes where honest people will see splendour and the dishonest will see burlap sacks.

Fooled, they claim to see the perfection of the clothes, until in the New Year’s parade a boy calls out that they are wearing burlap sacks.

  1. Tell about the typical traditions of your family around a holiday – Easter, Canada Day, etc.
  2. Tell about tricks and lies in your life – or a story about April Fool’s Day.
  3. Write about your new and/or favourite clothes, or embarrassing clothes you have had to wear.
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