Row Row Row Your Boat

Write about any experiences you have had with goats – toy boats, row boats, cruise ships, motor boats, etc. “Row Row Row Your Boat” is a song most people learn. Write down the words to a few of the songs you learned as a young person. Write the story of …

Time Transfixed, Rene Magritte

Stories of trains and other vehicles and you. (toy trains, remote control cars, super cars, racing cars, etc.) Everything you know about clocks (history, types, time zones, alarms, how you keep time yourself) Being on Time. Sometimes time seems to stand still, sometimes it races, sometimes you are late, sometimes …

December 6, 1917: The Halifax Explosion

On December 6, 1917, in Halifax Harbour, a Norwegian ship collided with a French ship that was loaded with explosives. The blast killed approximately 2000 people, and about 9000 were injured. The entire Richmond area of Halifax was flattened. Most of Halifax was destroyed. A tsunami created wiped out a …