Birds of a Feather Flock Together

If I could be judged by the friends I keep, what would my friends “tell” about me? What different “flocks” do I belong to to do what, when (gamers, athletes, scholars, readers, etc.)? Everything I know about birds (life cycle, types of birds, foods, etc.) “Birds of a feather flock …

Ada Lovelace, Poet of Science

200 years ago, the daughter of Lord and Lady Byron, Ada Lovelace, wrote the first computer program – before there was electricity or a computer to make it work. Working with Thomas Babbage on what they called the Analytical Engine, she wrote a step-by-step for how Bernoulli numbers could be …

Penguin with Cymbals

Times when I have taken a chance – that turned out well, or didn’t. A cute story of what happened before this and why this penguin is doing what he/she is doing and what will happen next. What are all the noises in my life? – for good and for …