Life On Other Planets

Think about human efforts to get into space, or to explore the universe through telescopes of various kinds. Write “everything I know” about space. Humans are intelligent, but not the only intelligent beings on the planet. Write everything you know about intelligent animal behaviour in other mammals, ocean dwellers, or …

Valentine’s Day

Write an imaginative story of the “worst Valentine’s Day” ever. What celebrations do you usually have for Valentine’s Day? Write about them in detail. There are many official celebration days throughout the year. Beginning with Labour Day (they day before school starts again usually) describe as many of them as …

Stranded on a Desert Island

Imagine you are actually stranded on a desert island. Write the creative story of your survival. Imagine you are going to be stranded on a desert island and are allowed to take one large suitcase with you. What will you pack, and why? Describe the many balls in your life …

Grumpy Cat Christmas Outfit

Write about dressing up your cat or your dog for Christmas, or Halloween, or any other event. Include whether they get gifts as well, and what they get. If you don’t dress your pet now, write the imaginary story of what you would dress your pet in, and the pet’s …

Two Types of People in Winter

Imagine you are the “let’s go outside in the winter” person. What things do you love to do in the cold, snow, and ice? Tell stories of winter adventures you have had. Imagine you are the “good time to snuggle in front of the fire” person. What things do you …

Nighthawks, Edwin Hopper, 1942

In slang a “nighthawk” is an insomniac or a person who naturally prefers the night. The picture is said to represent the loneliness of the city. The actual “nighthawk” is a bird that hunts at night. Shows like “the Simpsons” and various movies have set up a scene like this …

Grumpy Cat Orders Unhappy Meal

McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Dairy Queen, Boston Pizza – most people have lots of experience with “fast foods” of various kinds. What are your favourite fast foods? Why do you like them, especially in comparison to other choices. When do you get them? What about the “gifts” in the Happy …

The Dance Class, Edgar Degas, 1874

Degas frequently painted and sculpted ballet dancers. The man in the painting is a famous ballet master teacher. Taking lessons. Write about lessons you have taken – music, dance, skiing, skating, bike riding, even Kumon – any lessons taught by someone other than your parents. Write about outfits and costumes …